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‘IPScan NAC V6.0’ was launched and Achieved 'CC(Common Criteria)’ Certification body
Created date2019.03.18


On September 1, 2016, ViaScope Inc. launched IPScan NAC, a new product Network Access Control solution for the Korean market. In addition, it has passed Korea Common Criteria (CC certification) and has obtained CC certification of EAL2 level from Korea IT Security Certification Office.


'IPScan NAC' is an integrated IP / MAC resource and Agent / Agentless access control management solution. It is a sensing device for collection and control of BYOD status, high performance DBMS and Advanced DHCP Server.


Key features include:

Centralized control through real-time network access control

Optimal user authentication with perfect network usage control

Systematic IP resource management

Strengthen user integrity policy

It is a product that minimizes the security threat pre-check and security threat by the certification process and integrity check which is followed by authentication - quarantine - authorization - permission- audit.



IPscan NAC, a network access control integrated solution, enables complete internal network access blocking by access time and route control without installing an agent for unauthorized equipment of external visitors, and automatically retrieves IP at an administrator's desired time, We can manage the processing equipment efficiently, ensuring both security and operational convenience.