We provide unmatched services to our worldwide customers and partners through our commitment to customer satisfaction and dedication to personalized support.
电话 : +82-2-3412-9700 | 传真 : +82-2-3412-9800
ViaScope Inc. 24, Banpo-daero 10-gil, Seocho-gu, Seoul, Republic of Korea 电子邮件 : overseas@viascope.com
电话 : +86-21-34293061 | 电子邮件 : 1337375951@qq.com
电话 : +86-532-85023147 | 电子邮件 : may@maxplusone.com
电话 : +82-2-2084-8236 | 电子邮件 : tech@viascope.com
Personal information agreement
Items of personal information collection: Required- Name, Contact, Email, Inquiry contents /Optional- Inquiry Type, Company name, Department.
The purpose of collection and use of personal information : Product/Technical Inquiries.
Period of use and retention of personal information: Collected personal information will be kept up to 3 months from the date of inguiry. In some instances we may preserve your data for a certain period time under the related law. VIASCOPE values the protection and the privacy of the customer's personal information in accordance with the related law, the Personal Information Protection Act.
Consignment Sales: We provide different consultations depending on customers' location and business type for instance a sole distruibutor or a local partnership.
You have the right to refuse the collection and use of personal information. However, you may have the limitation of consultation from VIASCOPE.