"Interop Tokyo 2019" was held in Tokyo from June 12-14, 2019. VIASCOPE participated in this event as a ShowNet sponsor and exhibit booth.
Interop Tokyo 2019 : Internet Civilization
Since the first event in Japan in 1994, more than 500 companies and organizations from around the world have participated that give you demonstrations and sessions of technology trends and trends of business utilization.
We also provided live demonstrations of VIASCOPE's network access control and security solutions at the exhibition booth.
ShowNet Sponsor
“ShowNet” has always been a comprehensive internet technology demonstration of Interop Tokyo since the beginning of the show back in 1994. This network is deployed all over the show floor with the cutting edge technology and serve stable internet connectivity to exhibit booth and attendees.
including VIASCOPE's product, over $80 million worth products and service contribution and over 400 engineers from academic and industry are involved with the ShowNet project.